I'm Marios
a Web Developer

Every problem has a solution.
Let's talk about your solutions now.

Check out my work below...

Check out my projects...

mock up of music artists project

Music Artists

React & Redux

Music Artists is an application created with React & Redux. You can search for your favorite musical artists, read a short biography, and see his/her top albums.

mock up of Newsweek project

eMusic Store

Rails - React/Redux

eMusic Store is a website created with Ruby on Rails API and React/Redux. It has user authentication functionality with cookies for keeping favorite instruments and admin user role for creating new instruments using Firebase to store the images.

mock up of music opinion project

Music Opinions

Ruby on Rails

Music Opinions is a website created in Ruby on Rails. You sign up to share your opinion about any music band and their music.

mock up of eMusic Store project

eMusic Store


eMusic Store is a website created with HTML & SASS. It's a simulation of an e-shop selling music instruments.

mock up of eMusic Store project

Proshop eShop

MERN Stack

eCommerce Web Application for eshop. It is has user authentication system. An admin user is available for adding new products in the store. It is also integrading with PayPal for payments.

mock up of eMusic Store project

World Ranks


Search for details of countries. Find details like population, currency, native languages and neighbouring countries

About me...

Skills & Mindset

  • I always love finding solutions.
  • I am a team player who respects everyone's efforts and works hard to help the team.
  • I believe success comes faster when we work together.
  • Let's make it happen, no matter how tough it may be.
  • Team Member
  • Hard Worker
  • Always on Time
  • React Lover
  • Javascript
  • rails_icon Ruby on Rails

Contact Me

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